The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year and the start of astronomical summer. This pivotal moment in the Earth's journey around the sun has been celebrated by many cultures and societies worldwide for centuries!
As yogis, we often celebrate the Solstice, as well as the changing of the seasons to guide us and help us live more harmoniously with nature. Since the Winter Solstice, the days have been gradually growing longer, during those darker days of winter, we are more inward-focused. But now that we have reached the longest day of the year, we might start to notice a shift from introspection to outward expression. As summer unfolds, we can start to feel a surge of energy and playfulness. The Summer Solstice can often bring with it a boost of creativity and inspiration as there’s a sensation of joy and potential in the air. Much like Mother Earth, we’re likely to be feeling “in our prime” during these summer months.
Use this time to harness the energy of the Solstice in your yoga practice and daily life. Embrace the vibrant energy, let your spirit dance with the rhythm of the season, and allow the sun's energy to inspire you, rejuvenate you, and propel you toward new heights. Below are a few ways that might inspire you on how to celebrate the Solstice.
Practising Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) on the solstice is a great way to connect with the solar energies of this time of year and within ourselves. The traditional practice is to get up at dawn, face east, and do 108 repetitions of Surya Namaskar sequence. If that seems a bit ambitious, you could try to do at least do 1 sun salute to honour the sun.
You could also practice yoga poses that stimulate Agni, your inner fire, such as Boat Pose or Plank. You could even take your yoga practice outside and spend some time connecting with nature.
On the Solstice it is ideal to practice Surya Bhedana - Single Nostril Breath through the right nostril, also known as ‘sun-activating breath’. Breathing in this way can awaken our inner light – that bright, powerful, warming and stimulating energy. All you have to do is close off your left nostril and inhale through your right and continue breathing through the right side for several minutes or as long as you’d like.
Take time out to meditate, I have a Yoga Nidra on Insight timer to celebrate the light of the summer solstice and light within you! This Nidra aims to bring you more energy so it is perfect to practice in the morning or mid-day when you need that quick boost/power nap.
The changing of seasons represents a time of transformation, change, and new beginnings, making this a great opportunity to check in, set our intentions, and review those we might have made at New Year.
Did you sew any seeds at the Winter Solstice, New Year, or Equinox, what has come to pass since then?
What has grown in your life?
How has life pleasantly surprised you? What's "bloomed"?
What new dreams have surfaced within you?
What are your dreams for this Summer season and beyond?
Do you have any goals for the next 6 months?
Create a summer vision board to help manifest any goals you wish to achieve over the summer months or the rest of the year.
You might choose to start your day by having a cup of tea in the garden, maybe taking time to meditate or taking your yoga practice outside. You could go for a walk, maybe have a bonfire with friends, anyway, that helps your can connect with nature.
You might even choose to visit sacred grounds for the Soltice, such as Stonehenge. Stonehenge was built to align with the sun on the solstices! I’ve been in previous years and it is an incredible experience. You can find out more about visiting Stonehenge for the Solstice on their website.
Remember, we are all a part of nature and we cannot remain the same all year round, so embrace the Sun and its healing energy. Have a Blessed Summer Solstice!